Working Holiday Visa


Working Holiday Visa

Under Japan's Working Holiday Scheme, a limited number of Estonian Nationals (18-30 years old) who wish to stay in Japan for up to one year, primarily for a holiday, may be granted a visa which allows them to stay in Japan for up to one year, and engage in work during that period, incidental to their holiday, in order to supplement their travel funds. Japan’s Working Holiday holders need not obtain further permission to engage in remunerative activities while in Japan, although they are not allowed to be engaged in activities at certain sites stipulated under the Law on Control and Improvement of Amusement and Entertainment Businesses*.
*These sites include premises where adult entertainment-related businesses are carried out.
The number of visas issued for Estonian Nationals to participate in the Working Holiday Scheme is currently limited to 100 per calendar year (1st January – 31st December).
Acceptance of applications will be closed when the number of visas issued reaches this number.

Please note that the Embassy of Japan in Estonia will only accept applications for Working Holiday Visas from Estonian Nationals.

Applicant Prerequisites

1 The Embassy of Japan in Estonia issues, free of charge, a working holiday visa valid for a period of three (3) months from the date of issuance on application (also see 2 ) from a national of the Republic of Estonia who satisfies all of the following requirements:
(i)       is resident in the Republic of Estonia at the time of the application for the said visa;
(ii)      intends primarily to spend holidays in Japan for a period of up to one (1) year from the date of entry;
(iii)      is between eighteen (18) and thirty (30) years of age both inclusive at the time of application for the said visa;
(iv)      is not accompanied by dependents unless those dependents are also entitled to enter Japan on their own grounds;                                                                                                                             
(v)      possesses a valid passport of the Republic of Estonia, and a return travel ticket or sufficient funds to purchase such a ticket;
(vi)      possesses reasonable funds for his or her maintenance during the initial period of stay in Japan;
(vii)     intends to leave Japan at the end of his or her stay;
(viii)    has not previously been issued the said visa;
(ix)      has good health, a sound background and no criminal record; and
(x)      intends to comply with the laws and regulations in force in Japan during his or her stay in Japan.
2  The Japanese Authority grants nationals of the Republic of Estonia who have Japan’s Working Holiday Visa to stay in Japan for up to one (1) year from the date of entry upon their arrival in Japan (mostly at the airports). They may not extend their stay beyond the period authorized, or alter their immigration status during their stay. 


Those wishing to apply for a Working Holiday Visa are required to submit, along with a valid Estonian passport, one copy of each of the following documents to the consular section of the Embassy of Japan in Estonia. Statements made in these documents must be true and accurate.
  1. Valid Estonian passport (Estonian Citizen)
  2. One completed visa application form (Sample)
  3. One passport-sized photograph approx. 35mm x 45mm (taken within the last 6 months)
  4. Resume (form below)
  5. Outline of intended activities (form below)
  6. A written reason for applying for a Working Holiday Visa typed on A4 paper
  7. Consent for the use of personal data (form below)
  8. 2,000$ (about €1,850) in cleared funds along with appropriate evidence that the applicant is in possession of travel ticket to and from Japan (i.e. an outbound and return/onward journey ticket or a receipt for such), Bank statements in the applicant's name covering the three months prior to the application date must be shown as proof of funds.
    (Traveller's cheques, credit cards, loans and overdrafts are not acceptable as evidence of sufficient funds)
    (In the case of a married couple applying together for two Working Holiday Visas, the minimum amount is total 3,000$ (about €2,800))
  • *In some cases, additional documents may be required.
  • *You should provide an original of each document.
  • *We do not return any of the documents submitted. Therefore, if you need to keep any of the original documents, please bring the original plus a photocopy.

Application Procedure

Applications must be made in person, and applicants may be interviewed.

Other Information

  • It is recommended that appropriate insurance coverage be arranged before leaving Estonia, as under the conditions of employment for the Working Holiday Visa the period of employment is usually not long enough to qualify for coverage provided by employers or companies. For details about insurance etc., please check the “Guide to Living in Japan” (English pdf here).
  • Within 14 days of moving into an address in Japan, Working Holiday participants must apply for Resident Registration at a local government office near to where they are living (further details).
  • Applicants will not be able to engage themselves in activities which are considered to go against the policies of the Working Holiday Scheme such as working at businesses which may affect public morals.
  • Job Centers (Hello Work), and the Employment Service Centers for Foreigners in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya provide assistance to job-seekers in Japan. The above Employment Service Centers for Foreigners and some Job Centers are able to provide assistance in English. For further information, please follow the link below: Employment Policy for Foreign Workers 
  • Working Holiday Visas are for single entry. However, if the Working Holiday participant has to leave Japan for any reason and wishes to return to Japan within their original one-year period of stay, they can depart from Japan with a Special Re-entry Permit (further details).
  • A questionnaire (form below) has to be filled out by successful applicants.
    After completing your working holiday in Japan, please complete the questionnaire when you return to Estonia and send it via e-mail (e-mail address: or hand it in to the Embassy of Japan in Estonia.


The Working Holiday schemes are designed to promote international interaction and enhance friendly relationships between Japan and partner countries/regions by providing opportunities for young people to deepen their understanding about partner countries/regions.
Working Holiday participants are allowed to work for a certain period of their stay in order to cover the cost of travel funds to travel and stay in partner countries/regions.
This programme is NOT designed for persons who mainly intend to work. The applicant's primary purpose of stay should be to "holiday" in Japan.
Those who intend primarily to work cannot apply for this visa.
Furthermore, the Working Holiday participants are strictly prohibited from working at places that are deemed to affect public morals, such as bars, cabarets, nightclubs and so on.
Please apply for this visa only after having familiarized yourself with the purpose of this scheme. 

Contact Information

Consular Section of the Embassy of Japan in Tallinn

TEL: (+372) 6 310 531
Opening Hours: Mon - Fri 9:30-12:30 and 13:30-16:30

JAPAN VISA INFORMATION HOTLINE :  + 372 (60) 26509 (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Calls will be answered in English.)